Low cost single channel telephone link to connect remote subscribers. Condor offers a fully featured telephone service to remote subscribers in hard to reach locations. Developed to operate in some of the harshest regions in the world, the Condor has proven reliability in meeting customer needs, and is a cost effective alternative to traditional copper lines. Product Features and benefits - Provides a low cost, voice and data telephone service for remote subscribers
- Supports all equipment normally connected to standard telephone circuits, including fax, modem, and voice
- Advanced construction methods enables robust and reliable operation in harsh temperature and extreme environmental conditions
- Low power consumption results in minimum operational expenditure and is ideal for solar powered sites
- Optional payphone interface makes the Condor the ideal solution for telecommunications companies seeking to provide payphones to remote communities
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Exicom radios are used in many different applications in many different industries. View examples of how our radios and repeaters are used in different industries categories:
Frequencies - VHF: 68-88, 138-185 MHz in sub-bands - UHF: 380-512 MHz in sub bands Application configurations 2 wire: - voice ( POTS) - modem data - POS - Fax - Payphone (optional)
4 wire / 6 wire point to point: - exchange - exchange trunk line - 4-wire modem data - telemetry /SCADA